5 Ways To Be A Role Model To Everyone Around You

1. Ensure you step in at work with a positive mood always

Yes, good mood triggers the dopamine levels in our brains leading to heightened cognitive performance. So ensure to build your mood during your commute to work, be it listening to your favourite music band, watching a motivational video or catching a quick glimpse of your favourite show. Enjoy a brainpower boost at your desk with this simple yet effective tip.

2. Learn to channelize your energy and not just time

Keep a track of your energy peaks and falls for a week and try to build a new routine with the insights you get from the observation. Who knows it can be your high-carb lunch that shoves you into the dream world or a specific task that makes you go drowsy? Be an energy house. Nothing can better motivate your co-workers and their performance when surrounded by an energizer like you. Staying focused is the key here, since it gets difficult to stay motivated if you are failing to focus on tasks at hand.

3. Push your limits

Yes, once you identify your sources of energy, you can magnify your limits alike the athletes. So the next time you drain your brains on that important PowerPoint presentation or report, make sure to stretch yourself out for a good 30 minutes or so. A quick walk down the office premises should do the trick here. Keep away from your devices, music player, smartphone, etc.

4. Get out of your comfort zone

When struggling with motivation at writing an essay, remember the mantra of bodybuilders i.e., no pain no gain. Though it sounds cliché, but getting out of your comfort zone helps greatly in expanding one’s abilities. So don’t let a bit of unpleasantness deplete your motivation. In fact, note that struggling is always perceived as a good omen. Do not hesitate to go that extra mile even if it requires you to shelve that mainstream image of yours.

 5. Identify your goal orientation

Folks with mastery orientation tend to get motivated by a mere challenge to learn something novel, whereas folks with performance orientation tend to perform better when they strive to achieve excellence with their existing skillsets.
So understand your type and shape your goals accordingly. The success rate would surely blow you out here.
If possible, try pairing up, because what appears as a painful task for one individual might come as a pleasure for some other. So try to pair up with someone at work who complements your abilities and the one who can guide you to getting over the hurdles.

Summing It Up

Once you find that recipe for self-rejuvenation and motivation, you align yourself in a better position to take it ahead and inspire folks around you. So be a stellar performer, who motivates not only himself but others as well. Remember the secret to become a star performer is to lift others while you are climbing higher.
Last but not the least, stay positive and focus on your strong points instead of cribbing over your weaknesses. Remember developing a sturdy self-esteem is all about identifying your hidden strengths and then honing them.
Strengths are the only thing where you grow the best. So find out things or activities that help you fortify your strong points. It would help you build the momentum.


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