Why Do You Want to Lose Weight?

Disenchantment with my former life of morbid obesity wasn't strong enough to make me want to change before I made up my mind. Hating myself was unhealthy for me but I was stuck. I'm not really what sure exactly what was the 'tipping point of the scale' other than being sick and tired of being sick and tired. All that I do know is I DID make up my mind to make a permanent lifestyle change and am doing all I can to make that happen.

Here are reasons 
Why do you like your family and WHY I want to change want to reach and maintain my goal weight:

  • Be as healthy as possible and feel better physically.
  • Lower my blood pressure and get off blood pressure medicines.
  • Feel more confident and have self-respect.
  • Able to move more freely.
  • Be physically fit.
  • To have more energy and live a fulfilling life.
  • Avoid looking for sturdy chairs without arms.
  • Be a role model for my grandchildren.
  • Take walks with my dog.
  • To walk without a cane or a walker.
  • To stride or saunter instead of struggling.
  • To exercise and still be able to breathe.

"Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies."-Mother Teresa 

What are YOUR reasons why you want to lose weight? Please share.

Disenchantment with my former life of morbid obesity wasn't strong enough to make me want to change before I made up my mind. Hating myself was unhealthy for me but I was stuck.

I'm not really what sure exactly what was the 'tipping point of the scale' other than being sick and tired of being sick and tired. All that I do know is I DID make up my mind to make a permanent lifestyle change and am doing all I can to make that happen.
Here are reasons WHY I want to change want to reach and maintain my goal weight : 

  • Be as healthy as possible and feel better physically.
  • Lower my blood pressure and get off blood pressure medicines.
  • Feel more confident and have self-respect.
  • Able to move more freely.
  • Be physically fit.
  • To have more energy and live a fulfilling life.
  • Avoid looking for sturdy chairs without arms.
  • Be a role model for my grandchildren.
  • Take walks with my dog.
  • To walk without a cane or a walker.
  • To stride or saunter instead of struggling.
  • To exercise and still be able to breathe.
  • To do yoga, dance or Zumba.
  • Have my long neck back and only one chin.
  • Cross my legs at the knee.
  • Get into and out of the bathtub.
  • Get up and down off the floor with ease.
  • Improved appearance.
  • To have stronger muscles.
  • Shop anywhere for attractive clothing that I like.
  • Wear a swimsuit or skinny dip instead of chunky dunking.
  • Wearing clothing that fits.
  • Feel proud of myself.
  • Look into the mirror with confidence.
  • Avoid becoming a diabetic.
  • I want to live longer than my siblings and parents.
  • Have photos taken and feeling like smiling.
  • Feel feminine, sexy and have sex with ease.
  • Able to do my own toenails.
  • To turn over easily in bed. 


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